Once upon a time, a young African boy dreamt of building a village for adventurous dreamers, those who turn dreams into action and dare to co-create a better world, a place to live in harmony with yourself and nature. He visualizes his dream into a giant mural artwork. After decades of finding his path... Dream Village became a reality. A community, a school, a hiding place, a hub and a home... Until… Find the full story in Zongo-Biography of an African dreamer And the story continues...
The world is changing and we need innovative solutions to heal our communities and our planet. A fair, inclusive, and diverse future is possible, but it starts with us. Take action now by building one community at a time and connecting them to create a global consortium. Alternatives already exist, but it's time to step out of our comfort zones and co-create the future together. Join us in this endeavour and make a difference in the world.
Discover the unknown..